This intervention explores the series Significant Others (1993) by Maud Sulter (1960-2008), which was acquired by the Harry and Margery Boswell Art Collection for the University of St Andrews in 2019. The intervention was curated by MLitt Museum and Gallery Studies students from the School of Art History.
The photos in the Significant Others series are enlargements made by Sulter from photographs in her Scottish family archives. These are intimate works that provide glimpses into Sulter’s heritage, reflecting the experiences that were critical to shaping her identity and artistic practice.
The intervention can be found in the following locations:
Wardlaw Museum
The Wardlaw Museum is located at 7 The Scores, St Andrews KY16 9AR
Opening Times
Monday to Friday from 11am to 7pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm
Further information regarding accessibility, transport, and their COVID-19 policy, can be found on the Museum’s website.
The Museums of the University of St Andrews display the university’s extensive collection of works and objects compiled since the university’s founding in 1413. Works and interpretation for this intervention are located in the final thematic gallery space, the staircase display area for recent acquisitions, as well as the research studio on the top floor.
The Significant Others series will be rotated in Gallery 4 of the Wardlaw Museum over the next two years. Please see the adjacent schedule for more details.
Rotation Schedule: C’est Moi, April 2022. Best Buddies, July 2022. Snap 1, October 2022. Memories of Veils and Kisses, January 2023. Swings and…, April 2023. Maud Elsie, July 2023. Elsie, Dewar, Madge and Davie, October 2023. First Word Gaga, January 2024. Maud and Elsie, April 2024.
Art History Building
Located at 79 North Street, St Andrews KY16 9AL
Opening Times
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
Further information on the School of Art History can be found on the University’s website.
The work Memories of Veils and Kisses in the Significant Others series and archival material from Sulter’s collection can be seen at the University of St Andrews’ Art History building from April to December, 2022. The photograph reflects the unique process that Sulter went through to make this series of work. The installation can be found in the foyer, located in the door on the left upon entering the building. Please note, the foyer is only accessible via stairs.